Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Thomson Prometric: Test Takers

Thomson Prometric: Test Takers

Mathematical Morphology

Mathematical Morphology

Visual Basic Command Descriptions

Visual Basic Command Descriptions
sorted VB commands

Visual Basic Explorer - VB Tips and Tricks

Visual Basic Explorer - VB Tips and Tricks
file list 與 dir list 教學

toothpaste for dinner - "the most addictive comic on the web"

toothpaste for dinner - "the most addictive comic on the web"

TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook

TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook
比較不像是 wiki, 我覺得是另一種形式的 blog,

Installing Zim on Windows XP

Installing Zim on Windows XP

Zim - a desktop wiki

Zim - a desktop wiki
but only for linux

dotProject Demo :: dotproject - Open Source Software :: Open Source Project and Task Management Software

dotProject Demo :: dotproject - Open Source Software :: Open Source Project and Task Management Software

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Goston's Blog: [軟體] 檔案備份及同步軟體 - SyncBack

Goston's Blog: [軟體] 檔案備份及同步軟體 - SyncBack

Gmail - Fwd: Re: Recommendation

Stanford is an excellent University, but it's not the only school in US.
TOEFL is the basic English requirement, not related to academic performance.
Many schools view GRE more important than TOEFL. So my advise
to them is to get more enhancements on GRE Exam. Some schools
may even require GRE subject tests to demonstrate your performance.
UC (University of California) system has very good universities all over the state
of California:
UC Berkeley
UCSD (San Diego)
UC Irvine (close to LA)
UC Santa Barbara
UC Davis (between Sacramento and San Francisco)
graduate degrees from any of above will be considered quite prestigious.
Other schools with good IC design programs in the west coast:
LA Area: CalTech, USC (University of Southern California)
Oregon: Oregon State University
Washington: U Washington, Washington State University
Caltech is very difficult to get in (as hard as MIT), but USC should be
much easier (as long as you have $$$)
I hope this info is helpful. My cell phone is 0921781258 effective after

Lin En-Ping wrote:
Hi Dr Loh,

My company's general manager has two sons both
graduated in NCTU. One already got master degree and
another just got bachelor degree. Both of them want to
apply US University for PHD , the first one want to
study something related to IC design and the other
want to study image processing. However, their TOFEL
score is 580 which is below the requirement of some
good University like Stanford. Do you know some access
for helping them? They are really good in terms of
practical experience. May be we can talk to each other
when you are back. Can you g