Monday, March 31, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008


A agree with B→A correlate with B、A correspond to B
carry out→implement、execute、promulgate
correct / incorrect→precise / imprecise、accurate / inaccurate
depends on→relies on、hinges on
is made of→consists of、comprises of
make clear→elucidate、clarify
make sure→assure、ensure
meet(滿足)→satisfy、fulfill、adhere to

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Project Meeting

  1. Calibrate camera
  2. Rearrange code:
    1. New Algorithm
    2. UCLA SIFT
    3. SBA
  3. Write Technical Report
    1. Methods
    2. Experimental results
      1. facts that affact calibration?
        1. Distance
        2. Angular Baseline
  4. Library

  1. Bundle Adjustment -> Calibration
  2. Algorithm:
    1. UCLA SIFT
    2. Manually remove outliers
    3. Calculate all fundamental matrices
    4. SBA -> refine F matrices
    5. calibration
  3. Ask geometrix focal length

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Visual 3D Modeling from Images

Visual 3D Modeling from Images
By Marc Pollefeys

Right Hemisphere - Visual Product Communication and Collaboration

Right Hemisphere - Visual Product Communication and Collaboration
Deep View
Deep Explorer

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sparse Bundle Adjustment in C/C++

Sparse Bundle Adjustment in C/C++
it can support virtually any manifestation/parameterization of the multiple view reconstruction problem such as arbitrary projective cameras, partially or fully intrinsically calibrated cameras, exterior orientation (i.e. pose) estimation from fixed 3D points, refinement of intrinsic parameters, etc. All the user has to do to adapt sba to any such problem is to supply it with appropriate routines for computing the estimated image projections and their Jacobian for the problem and parameterization at hand.

Sparse Bundle Adjustment in C/C++

Sparse Bundle Adjustment in C/C++:
It can support virtually any manifestation/parameterization of the multiple view reconstruction problem such as arbitrary projective cameras, partially or fully intrinsically calibrated cameras, exterior orientation (i.e. pose) estimation from fixed 3D points, refinement of intrinsic parameters, etc. All the user has to do to adapt sba to any such problem is to supply it with appropriate routines for computing the estimated image projections and their Jacobian for the problem and parameterization at hand. Routines for computing analytic Jacobians can be either coded by hand

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Remondino_Fraser_ISPRSV_2006.pdf (application/pdf Object)

There is an extensive body of literature on the calibration of digital cameras, with topics ranging from
overall reviews (Fryer, 1996; Fraser, 2001) to
general investigations (Bösemannet al., 1990; Fraser & Shortis, 1995; Jantos et al., 2002),
lowcost digital cameras (Kunii & Chikatsu, 2001; Läbe & Förstner,2004; Cronk et al., 2006),
stability of parameters (Shortis & Beyer, 1997; Peipe & Stephani, 2003; Läbe & Förstner, 2004),
behaviour of IO parameters (Wiley & Wong, 1995; Läbe & Förstner, 2004) and
accuracy aspects (D’Apuzzo & Maas, 1999; Salvi et al., 2002 (A comparative
review of camera calibration methods with accuracy evaluation.); Fraser & Al-Ajlouni, 2006).
In order to recall and reiterate salient and occasionally overlooked principles of camera calibration, common models and methods employed will now be reviewed, with selected algorithms being
tested and the results analyzed.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

史波茹提督的網誌 » Blog Archive » 解決使用Vista卻發現硬碟轉不停的問題

史波茹提督的網誌 » Blog Archive » 解決使用Vista卻發現硬碟轉不停的問題
利用[電腦管理],把服務及應用程式當中的Superfetch和Windows Search給關掉。

如何解決Vista系統「硬碟一直轉不停」的問題?  【重灌狂人】

如何解決Vista系統「硬碟一直轉不停」的問題?  【重灌狂人】

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
EnablePrefetcher」跟「EnableSuperfetch」原來為 3 改成 0

完全用Linux工作(转载) - HOLMES圣堂武士档案馆 - 歪酷博客

完全用Linux工作(转载) - HOLMES圣堂武士档案馆 - 歪酷博客

Shell: bash。它结合了 csh ksh 的优点,并且有 readline 功能,你可以随意绑定自己的键盘。
编辑器: VIM, Emacs
程序开发: GCC, make, ld, Scheme48, j2sdk, Perl, Python, Tcl/Tk ...
论文,幻灯工具:LaTeX, ConTeXt
绘图工具:MetaPost。这个语言太强了,以至于我只用它了。你不熟悉的话可以用xfig, dia 来画一些流程图之类的图片。
图像处理:ImageMagick。其中的 import 程序可以屏幕抓图,convert 程序可以转换图像格式,display 可以显示图片和简单编辑(缩放,换质量,转格式,简单绘图,简单虑镜)。通常我就这么点需要。如果你要更强大的图像工具可以用 Gimp, 它几乎和Photoshop差不多。
自动管理工具:make。我可以用make来自动编译程序,自动编译文档,自动更新插图…… 全自动,而且不会重复劳动。
数值计算程序:SciLab。这个程序基本上可以代替 Matlab
代数计算程序:MAXIMA。这个程序基于世界上最老的计算机代数系统之一: 由美国能源部(DOE)发行的 MIT Macsyma 系统。它是用 Common Lisp 实现的。很多现在的符号计算程序比如 Maple 都从 MAXIMA 身上学到很多东西。它现在经过 DOE 批准以GPL发行,永远是一个自由软件。
加密程序:GnuPG。我的 PGP 密钥就是它搞出来的。
打包,压缩程序。什么都有: tar, gzip, bzip2, zip, rar, ...
虚拟光驱程序。Linux 不需要虚拟光驱程序,直接 mount 就行了。
服务器:proftpd, vsftpdproftpd 功能很强,但是我只用了最简单的一种设置。
客户程序:lftpncftp。它们都是文本方式操作的,但是比起图形界面的方便的多。比如 lftp 几乎具有 bash 的所有方便功能,Tab 补全,bookmark, queue, 后台下载,镜像…… Linux 也有图形界面的 ftp 客户程序,但是大多不稳定,有很多问题。这就是很多人抱怨 Linux 不如 Windows 的一个小原因。还有很多人用 Wine 模拟 Windows leapftp,其实 lftp leapftp 好很多,你需要的只是适应一下。
自动下载工具:wget。它非常稳定,有一次我下载一个程序,用 IE Mozilla 下载回来的文件都是坏的,最后还是 wget 可靠的传输了数据。用它甚至可以镜像整个网站,比起WebZip 这样的 Windows 程序强多了,而且不会因为你不付钱就在下载回来的网页里强制插入广告。
虚拟终端:rxvt, xterm, gnome-terminal, mlterm, ...
X server: XFree86
窗口管理器:FVWM。编译加入了 libstroke
中文输入:XSIM。被我修改过以适应 FVWM 的需要。另外推荐你还可以用 SCIM
处理:Mutt + Postfix + fetchmail
PDF, PS, DJVU 文件:Acrobat Reader, xpdf, GhostScript, gv, djvu工具包和netscape 插件。
看网页:Mozilla, Phoenix, lynxMozilla-Xft 的显示效果比IE 好很多。
编辑网页:我用VIM 直接写 HTML。你如果想要图形方式的可以用其它的比如screem, BlueFish
登录其它 UNIX, Linux 机器:openSSH, telnet。 我喜欢用 openSSH 把其它机器的X 程序通过 ssh 加密的隧道传到我机器上显示。
登录 Windows2000 server display service: rdesktop...我有一天试了一下,不错。后来就没有用过了。
同步程序:rsync。我用 rsync 通过 ssh 来跟某些机器同步数据,或者做自己机器上不同目录间的同步。
BBSrxvt(或任何一种终端) + telnet + chatbot(helloooo 机器人的程序)
我没有 QQ ICQ。不过你可以用 Gaim, 它同时支持 QQ, ICQ 和很多其它的即时通信方式。ICQ 用户也可以用 Licq
放录像:MPlayer, RealPlayerMPlayer 太好了,直接就可以放 VCD, DVD, divx, wma, wmv ... Windows 的同学都很羡慕我,说 Windows 要放这个需要大堆插件。rm 最好还是用 realplayer 放,它也是免费的。
放音乐: xmms(mp3,ogg都可以), mpg321(mp3), ogg123(ogg)mpg321 不如xmms管理音乐文件那么方便,但是有时我还是用 mpg321 mp3 作为背景音乐,因为懒得开一个xmms窗口:-)
游戏:我觉得 KDE 的那个 ksokoban(推箱子),很好玩 :-)
Word 文档。请 Word 用户把文档全部转为 PDF PS 再给我,文档里没有特殊的格式干脆就用文本吧,何必那么麻烦。以前很奇怪的是,通知里本来没有什么特殊的格式居然还要发doc附件的email。现在好了,我们系发通知都用文本,PDF,甚至图片了。
其它程序:还有很多我需要用而你不一定用得着的。比如,Doctor Scheme,
Scheme48, Scsh, kawa...
这些程序只有 Doctor Scheme Windows版本。还有很多幕后工作但是你一般不察觉的:xinetd, telnetd, sshd, crond, atd, lpd, ... 他们都比 Windows 的对应者强的多,或者根本没有对应者。

Friday, March 07, 2008

Peter's Functions for Computer Vision

Peter's Functions for Computer Vision

Putative matches obtained
by matchbycorrelation.m

Inlying matches consistent
with fundamental matrix

Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab

Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab


MATLAB Functions for Multiple View Geometry

MATLAB Functions for Multiple View Geometry

作者 Andrew Zisserman


Multiview tensors from image correspondences:

Preconditioning for estimation:

Self-calibration and similar:


C1189: #error : WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include - MSDN Forums

C1189: #error : WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include <windows.h> - MSDN Forums: "Hi,

Include the header before the atl headers in stdafx.h.
#include <afxcoll.h>

prob using afxdisp.h /MFC use/ CLR support - GIDForums

prob using afxdisp.h /MFC use/ CLR support - GIDForums:
"To compile an MFC executable or regular DLL with /clr

Open the Project Properties dialog by right clicking the project in the Solution Explorer and selecting Properties.

Expand the node next to Configuration Properties and select General. In the right pane, under Project Defaults, set Common Language Runtime support to Common Language Runtime Support (/clr).

From the same pane, make sure Use of MFC is set to Use MFC in a Shared DLL.

Under Configuration Properties, expand the node next to C/C++ and select General. Make sure Debug Information Format is set to Program Database /Zi (not /ZI).

Under Configuration Properties, select C/C++ and then Code Generation. Make sure Runtime Library is set to one of Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd) or Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)."

How to fix searchprotocolhost.exe error? - TechNet Forums

How to fix searchprotocolhost.exe error? - TechNet Forums:
"OK, Im only running XP Pro as I find it a bit more stable. To get around the problem, I Start / Run and in the box type services.msc and press enter/click OK. Go down to Windows Search and double click on it. Stop the service and then disable it from starting. My machine now runs like a racehorse."

What are the C and C++ libraries my program would link with?

What are the C and C++ libraries my program would link with?

Case 2: Sample program test2.cpp

   // test2.cpp
void main()
If you build test2.cpp using the /ML (or /MLd, for a debug build) compiler option, your program will link with LIBC.LIB (or LIBCD.LIB, for debug build) and LIBCP.LIB (or LIBCPD.LIB, for debug build), in addition to other libraries.
If you build test2.cpp using the /MT (or /MTd, for a debug build) compiler option, your program will link with LIBCMT.LIB (or LIBCMTD.LIB, for debug build) and LIBCPMT.LIB (or LIBCPMTD.LIB, for debug build), in addition to other libraries.
If you build test2.cpp using the /MD (or /MDd, for a debug build) compiler option, your program will link with MSVCRT.LIB (or MSVCRTD.LIB, for debug build) and MSVCPRT.LIB (or MSVCPRTD.LIB, for debug build), in addition to other libraries.
For Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, your program will be dependent on MSVCRT.DLL and MSVCP80.DLL (or MSVCRTD.DLL and MSVCP80D.DLL for debug build).
For Microsoft Visual C++ 2003, your program will be dependent on MSVCRT.DLL and MSVCP71.DLL (or MSVCRTD.DLL and MSVCP71D.DLL for debug build).
For Microsoft Visual C++ 2002, your program will be dependent on MSVCRT.DLL and MSVCP70.DLL (or MSVCRTD.DLL and MSVCP70D.DLL for debug build).
For Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, your program will be dependent on MSVCRT.DLL and MSVCP60.DLL (or MSVCRTD.DLL and MSVCP60D.DLL for debug build).
For Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0, your program will be dependent on MSVCRT.DLL and MSVCP50.DLL (or MSVCRTD.DLL and MSVCP50D.DLL for debug build).
For Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2, your program will be dependent on MSVCRT.DLL (or MSVCRTD.DLL for debug build) and MSVCPRT.LIB (or MSVCPRTD.LIB, for debug build). - Adrian's Piano - Adrian's Piano
好久之前紀錄的音樂論壇 不知道現在還是不是